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Change in society

Public Affairs and Corporate Activism

We encourage companies and organisations to act responsibly and engage in transparent dialogue with society.

All companies and organisations have a need for PR: some want to influence their customers to sell their products, some want to influence policy to change legislation, and others wish to influence broader global grievances.

Responsible business conduct and an open and discursive influence on society are no longer merely optional for companies; they are vital. Companies that are successful in the long term can communicate their relevance and solve societal problems. 

At Ellun Kanat, we help companies and organisations understand a world in chaos and how to communicate in it in a comprehensible way. Not only do companies need to integrate corporate social responsibility into their operations, but they also need to communicate this responsibility openly and clearly to the outside world.

Our influencing and corporate activism experts will show you how your company or organisation can participate in the social debate, influence decision-making and build its reputation with the public and decision-makers alike. We help you find the most effective ways of influencing and support you in your responsibility communication.

Our Services 

Public Affairs

Currently, professional lobbying by itself is not effective enough. We want to help our clients contribute to ongoing societal discussions and debates and to have an impact on decision making. In addition, we want to guide our clients to improve their reputation, not only in the eyes of decision makers but also in the eyes of a broader audience.

Corporate Responsibility

For today’s companies, being responsible is a must rather than a maybe. Actions speak louder than words, and therefore we want to encourage our clients to work on sincerely responsible operations. This means concentrating on deeds that are based on the company values but generate functioning solutions and genuine added value for the whole society.

Corporate Activism

The whole existence of corporate activism resides on responsibility. In corporate activism, responsibility is in the core of whole business and its strategy. It is embedded in the way  things are done. We aspire to help our clients to live up to corporate activism by encouraging them to improve and transform their own performance and the whole industry they are operating in, ultimately making the surrounding world a better place to live.

Want to be here for the future? 
Let’s talk.


Tuomas Nurmela

change agent, client director, business director
