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Strategia ja kulttuuri
Living with change

Strategy and Change Management

Without trust and the capacity for change, even the best strategy will fail. The ability to renew in an unpredictable operating environment will determine the fate of a company.

A strategy may be well planned, but implementation often falls by the wayside. Instilling change does not occur in an Excel spreadsheet or management briefing rooms. Instead, change takes root through communication, articulating change and building a shared vision. Management’s ability to communicate and build trust in the face of uncertainty are the cornerstones of change management.

At Ellun Kanat, we help leaders make change comprehensible. We support the work community in strengthening its capacity for change and building a common direction.

We are our clients’ combat companions in facilitating strategy, building scenarios and leading change. Our strategy and change management services include management consulting, environment analysis and redefining the employer image. We also facilitate inclusive value creation in companies and organisations and help clarify corporate culture.

Our Services

Strategic Foresight

Uncertainty is here to stay. The biggest risk related to the future is not preparing for it. Issues arise if the collective curiosity, the ability to perceive change or understand threats and opportunities are not nurtured. To create strategic foresight, Ellun Kanat utilises well tested scenario tools in a strongly involving manner. Our tools and methods bring change capacity and dynamics into the client’s business. Our foresight process creates routines and practises for everyday life and outlines for business growth.

Strategy Implementation

Strategy is a tool for carrying out change. It is a plan that combines the present time with future vision. Strategy work begins with clarfying the future vision together with the client. After, the core of the selections, outlines and priorities are facilitated in an effective manner. When it comes to strategy, putting theory into practice always requires strong internal dialogue. We select our strategy implementation tools case by case, without compromising the dialogue and long-term commitment to realisation of the strategy and ongoing improvement in daily life.

Corporate Culture

Corporate culture can be divided into two sections: explicit and implicit. Change projects are often carried only halfway if they crash into implicit obstacles: fear, assumptions, biases, beliefs and unwritten rules. We illuminate these pitfalls and help to form change capability through self-understanding, interaction and trust.

Employer Branding

The fierce competition for talented applicants and professionals brings companies’ inner world to the spotlight. The employer image is highlighted through ordinary things and daily practises, not by way of a stand-alone campaign. Ellun Kanat helps build competitive employership by the means of interactive culture, systematic cultivation of competence and pluralism as a part of daily routines.

Change Management

Change is not a separate venture, but a long-term commitment to a process. Therefore, the ability to discover the leveraging factors of sought-after change is in the core of management. Our tools are constructed around the best practises of design thinking, interactive communication, strong storytelling, everyday constant learning and making successful change visible. We comprehensively help to carry out change in long term as well as daily life, and the client never has to stand alone.

Looking to increase your change capability?
Contact us.

