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Scenario work that reaches every part of the organisation

Ellun Kanat receives international design award at Transform Awards Gala 

Ellun Kanat change agency received gold in the Transform Awards Nordics competition. 

The victory came in the “Best strategic or creative development of a new brand” category, where Ellun Kanat entered with Rooty – The Kind Side by Pohjolan Peruna. In collaboration with Ellun Kanat, Pohjolan Peruna launched a frozen potato side ingredient to replace noodles and rice with a more climate-friendly option. The products have a low carbon footprint and they’re tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. 

Jami Teirikari, Marketing Director of Pohjolan Peruna, describes the collaboration with Ellun Kanat:

–Ellun Kanat had strong, fresh insights on how Rooty could stand out positively in the fiercely competitive grocery business. Ellun Kanat gave the brand a great narrative, which defined Rooty’s values well, and produced a suiting visual appearance to go with it. We’ve received excellent feedback on the end result from both consumers and retailers.

The climate and biodiversity crises present every industry company with a challenge: we all need to change. The product development team at Pohjolan Peruna took this to heart, as the owner of the iconic Mummon-brand set off to develop Rooty. 

“We built Rooty a strategy that spoke to young people with high demands.” -Sasu Haanpää

–Brands need to answer consumers’ growing demands for smaller carbon footprints. Moreover, people in the food business want healthy and clean ingredients. With Rooty, we built change by rethinking an existing product. We built Rooty a strategy that spoke to young people with high demands. From there it was a matter of shaping the brand values and a visual design that would communicate the brand core to consumers, Ellun Kanat Head of Design Sasu Haanpää explains. 

Ellun Kanat is known for sturdy insights and strong communications competence. Ellun Kanat believes that communication is the most powerful tool for influencing change. Designs and brands create a visible interface between the consumer and the changes that are taking place in a product or business. In the Rooty entry, the client thanked Ellun Kanat specifically for persistently challenging them towards bold change.

–We have a strong urge to take our skills and insights abroad. We’re very proud of the big win that Ellun Kanat achieved in this tough international contest, as it proves that the effort we put into branding and design, as well as insightfulness, elaborate strategy work and strategic foresight, pays off. This is a great milestone for Ellun Kanat, the foreign-market-bound Rooty and Pohjolan Peruna, and of course our amazing people, Ellun Kanat CEO Taru Tujunen rejoices.

Transform Awards Nordics is the only regional award for best brand development. The competition draws participants from both global companies and smaller local agencies. The objective of the competition is to recognize and reward top performers in innovative branding. The competition focuses on strategy, execution, content and evaluation. Transform Awards are granted globally in six regions. 

An image survey of the communications field by Taloustukimus in 2021 revealed that Ellun Kanat is the best communications agency in Finland. The survey studied communications managers’ and experts’ views on the image of communications agencies. 


For more information and interview requests:

Head of Design Sasu Haanpää
044 796 0092

CEO Taru Tujunen
050 357 9418

Ellun Kanat is a strategic change agency that believes communication is the world’s most efficient tool for influencing change. In the fast-paced world of double disruption, successful organisations build a strong, change-savvy strategy and culture, assume a truly influential and responsible role in the world and communicate with insight. We help out at every phase of change. 

It wouldn’t make much sense if nothing changed once we’re done. 


What would be the legacy of your company, if it were to disappear tomorrow?

”A company needs to understand that we play a bigger part in society. This role needs to be measured and we need to work for it, if we still want to be relevant in the future. ” – Rolf Ladau, CEO, Paulig

In 1970, American economist Milton Friedman put forth in a New York Times article that the only social responsibility a firm has is to grow its profits. However, societies and the world change constantly, as do people’s perceptions of the value that the private sector creates. To be successful in a market, firms now need to provide added value, besides financial gain. This added value is something meaningful that the firm offers its stakeholders – be it responsible action, locality or transparency – and it can’t be provided without a purpose. 

There’s not much research on the topic. LAB University of Applied Sciences design graduate Heidi Niemi wrote a thesis on the topic in collaboration with Ellun Kanat. Our Head of Research Elina Kiiski-Kataja sat down with Heidi to discuss what findings the thesis yielded on meaning and purpose in businesses. 

What was the most significant finding in your research on the purpose and meaning in businesses?

According to research by Euromonitor International in June 2020, the shift from sustainability to purpose as a business driver is one of the most significant themes to impact consumer markets. Firms are increasingly focusing on the core purpose that stems from within, which is understandable. It can be a valuable asset, when used as a tool for making decisions and developing an organisation.  

We’ve noticed this phenomenon at Ellun Kanat. We studied the topic in our disruption barometer and noticed that a whopping 78 % of Finns believe that firms need to participate in solving the wicked problems that society is facing. What impression did you get in your interviews, are the firms taking this seriously, or is it more of a trend?

Instead of a marketing fad, I think purpose is rather a recognizable part of a company’s narrative, its business and success. It’s how companies reach future talent, who are looking for more and more meaning from their jobs, according to multiple studies. Besides talent, added value is increasingly beginning to interest investors as well, who are looking for positive share development in the long term. 

In addition to the brightest talent, added value is beginning to interest investors as well. 

Your research studied the effects of meaning and purpose on employee experiences. What factors in a purpose influence the experiences of an employee and how does the way we experience our own work factor into the broader purpose?  

You can’t detach employee experiences from the business and strategy of a company. You have to observe them in their natural context. Employee experiences comprise of experienced meaning, interest, objectives, values and the entire business of the company. So it englobes everything that happens in the firm, and the relationships that the firm has made with its stakeholders, society and the world in general. Employees are the first group that a firm needs to commit to pursue its purpose and really create value for others. 

An employee’s relationship with the firm develops over time, like customer relations. Therefore it’s important that employees know where the company is headed, and ideal if they participate in finding this direction. When an employee’s responsibilities, development, remuneration and collaboration all support this vision, the employee can see their value in the big picture and find their place in the community. This means companies can’t really produce meaning when it’s not there, instead they have to commit employees by helping them find meaning in everyday tasks and the broader goals of the organisation. 

So then, what part does responsibility play when discussing purpose? At Ellun Kanat we believe that responsibility is not separate from the business. It should be a strategic, cross-functional value since we live in the world of Double Disruption, where firms operate in a communicative, transparent environment while battling changes onset by climate change, like the rest of us. So what perspectives on responsibility came up in your research?

It’s time to realize that responsibility is not really a competitive edge anymore, but the basis of a future-proof business. That’s why distinguishing yourself by accelerating healthy changes is more important than ever. 

In 2021, releasing a responsibility report is a standard requirement. The effects of your core business should be scrutinized far more extensively. Once firms can create true value and save on costs with sustainable business endeavors, while communicating it to people successfully, they will probably manage to commit consumers, employees and investors better than ever. Tracking progress with different measures helps distinguish between the firms that utilize their purpose as a tool for strategic change. 

What would you like people interested in meaning and purpose to remember about the topic? 

The purpose for existing is an especially important building block in a world guided by values, because it’s the company’s explanation to how the world is a better place when the firm is in it. This explanation creates a plot for the business and the everyday tasks within it that is easy for everyone to follow.

When the purpose for existing is in the core of the strategy, a company can grow its business while making a positive impact on the world.  

A stronger meaning also supports the company when its structure grows heavier. When the purpose for existing is in the core of the strategy, a company can grow its business while making a positive impact on the world. The founder of Ford Motor Company Henry Ford claims that a business that makes nothing but money is a poor business. At times it is quite reasonable to examine our relationship with the world and think about the legacy that we want to leave behind. 

The thesis published in late 2020 by Heidi Niemi was a collaboration with Ellun Kanat to uncover how purpose driven companies define their purpose for existing, and how purpose can be managed and implemented to have a positive effect on employee experiences. Thank you to the executive board members who supported the research with their valuable insights and tools, The companies interviewed were Alko, Kalevala Koru, Kekkilä-BVB, Kolmen Kaverin Jäätelö, Partioaitta, Paulig, Reima, Valio and Yliopiston Apteekki.

The thesis is available in Finnish at:

For further information, contact:
Heidi Niemi
Designer (YAMK)
+358 45 276 5822

Ellun Kanat shortlisted for Transform Awards Europe

Change agency Ellun Kanat has been shortlisted in two categories in Transform Awards Europe.

Transform Awards Europe 2022 is an international competition that awards achievements in brand development and transformation. Both large global players and smaller local agencies participate in the competition.

Ellun Kanat will compete in the final in two categories:

  1. “Best strategic or creative development of a new brand”, where Ellun Kanat will be competing with the Pohjolan Peruna Rooty brand. Pohjolan Peruna, in collaboration with Ellun Kanat, has created a completely new product line and brand, the potato-based Rooty pan noodles and rice-like potato bits, ”perunahippu”. The products combine a low carbon footprint with delicious, healthy and easy-to-prepare food.

  2. “Best visual identity from the transport and logistics sector”, in which Ellun Kanat was selected as a finalist for the Best Caravan brand redesign. Best Caravan and Ellun Kanat collaborated on an extensive brand refresh for the traditional Best Caravan, updating everything from brand strategy to visual identity. The visual identity was redesigned to be modern and appealing to a wider target audience, with the core concept that Best Caravan is about creating experiences and making memories.


“Over the last few years at Ellun Kanat we have decisively been branching out into branding and design. It’s great to see that our work is paying off and being noticed internationally. We believe that the old way of building brands no longer works. In a changing world, a brand needs to understand its role in society and offer a solution to the changes customers face in their daily lives. Both Rooty and Best Caravan are examples of such brands,” says Sasu Haanpää, Head of Design at Ellun Kanat.

The aim of the competition is to recognise and reward excellence in branding innovation. The awards focus on strategy, execution, content, and evaluation. The Transform Awards are presented globally in six different regions around the world. The European jury includes judges from Pepsi, Lego, Twitter, Tiktok, and Adidas, among others. The winners will be selected at the Grand Final in March 2022.

Where are you headed, future?

Two weeks ago, as Russia descended on Ukraine and launched its ruthless military campaign, expectations for the future changed on multiple levels. Above all, this is a tremendous human tragedy for Ukrainians, caused by nothing more than an ugly, authoritarian lust for power that would have better been consigned to the corner of shame of history.

In Finland and in the West, we are now reflecting on what these events mean from an operational environment point of view. Foreign, security and defence policies will most certainly take on a much more central role in all decision-making than in the past. This much is clear. But where else should companies and organisations now focus their attention on? After all, the current crisis does not negate other developments that must inevitably be considered. At Ellun Kanat, we have analysed the following as the most relevant drivers of change for businesses and organisations in the coming decade:

The transformation of communication, the disruption that is changing social structures and challenging people’s trust in companies and organisations, will continue to be relevant and is proving its strength as we speak. People from all over the world have been building the war narrative and raising donations quickly. We have even gone as far as crowdfunding the Ukrainian army.  Businesses, for their part, have had to react quickly to demands for accountability. Slow-movers protecting their business interests have been served a hefty dose of bitter medicine by widespread calls for companies to act responsibly and cut their ties with Russia.  In the current crisis, the power of communication has been revolutionary, and this trend will continue. It means an increasing demand for companies and organisations to be accountable and understand who their stakeholders are.

We must now drive change with greater determination, and no party is excluded from achieving this.

A push against the limits of the Earth’s ecological carrying capacity, changing the structures of the economy and value creation. The International Panel on Climate Change published its report on 1 March, although its release was heavily overshadowed by the war. The main message of the report is not good. Much irreversible change has already taken place, and the pursuit of a 1.5°C cap will no longer suffice to halt the effects of climate change. In other words, whatever we do, sea levels will rise to life-threatening levels in many places, droughts will threaten food production, and ecosystems will change in unpredictable ways. The list goes on. So the next step is to adapt to a world that has been transformed by the crisis. But limiting change to tolerable levels is a task that humanity must succeed in. The economy and businesses have an essential role to play here. We must now drive change with greater determination, and no party is excluded from achieving this. Managing the ecological crisis is also a security issue. As crop yields collapse, water becomes scarce, and people flee their homes because of extreme weather, societies will find themselves in situations where instability will inevitably increase.

The acceleration of forces of change and the post-normal chaos caused by COVID-19. Even before the war, we lived in exceptional circumstances for the past two years. It is fair to say that the current shock brought on by the pandemic, combined with the war now being waged on the European continent, are the variables that at the very latest underline the transition to a post-normal period. The post-normal period is a time of upheavals, tensions and discontinuities in which ’normal’ is no longer very useful. At the same time, the future is no longer only complex but also chaotic and unpredictable. So how do we operate in such a world? Dave Snowden, a Welshman who has studied complexity and chaos in decision making, discusses four actions. 1) Try adapting to the new situation and building networks to gather information for decisions. 2) Reconfigure existing structures to correspond to the new situation and make sure they generate thinking and action appropriate to the new situation. 3) Try to de-escalate any acute situation. 4) Apply the lessons learned to the new situation and increase resilience, i.e. the capacity to act.

Change has been coming for a long time, and there have been many signs that the world order embraced by the Western world is disappearing and being replaced by a new one.

An uncertain global environment. In our trend charts, the global environment has long been a red flag, a symbol of high uncertainty and the potential for disruption. Change has been coming for a long time. Russia’s invasion of Crimea in 2014, the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and Donald Trump’s election as president in 2016, the global pandemic in 2020 and now the war in Europe in 2022 are all signs that the world order embraced by the Western world is disappearing and being replaced by a new one. What kind of world order, and over what timeframe, is unclear. A major force in this world will undoubtedly be China, whose trajectory must now be closely watched. The tightening of EU ranks, the internal direction of the US, and the importance of the internal situation and external action of Russia are all relevant factors. At the same time, global vaccination coverage, the consequences of the ecological crisis, global food production, and human development are all factors in which the direction of development is also important for the Finnish people, society, companies, and organisations. An interdependent world is increasingly interconnected.

At present, methods of foresight bring a lot of concerns to the table. But, on the other hand, therein lies also the power of foresight. Trends tend to generate counter-trends, crises also often lead to solutions, and human action has often been able to reverse the course of crises. Now, if ever, is the time to take action.

The Change Agency Ellun Kanat is Seeking a New CEO!

Ellun Kanat is nearing its twenties as a change agency, gearing up for another leap forward. Would the winds of change blow you into our office as the new CEO?

According to Taloustutkimus’ communication industry image study, we’re Finland’s most recognized and one of the most visionary and creative communication agencies out there. Our strategic approach is particularly esteemed. As a change agency, we’re known for our ability to help clients see and implement change.

Watch Mika’s greetings for you:

We believe that adaptability is the key to our clients’ future success, meaning the ability to understand, communicate, and innovate in a changing environment in a way that builds trust. The most significant forces of change in the 2020s are societal. So, whoever can foster trust within their stakeholders will soar in growth and change the world for the better.

Let us introduce ourselves first.

Ellun Kanat is a consultancy firm whose superpower lies in identifying the societal forces of change and the stakeholders that critical to our clients’ business success. We help our clients adapt their business and practices in an ever-changing world in a way that fosters trust with their key stakeholders.

We help our clients in the following service areas:

• Strategy and Change Management

• Brands and Design

• Public Affairs and Corporate Activism

• Crisis Communication and Confidence Risks

• Strategic Communication

Exploration Zone!

Together with our clients, we’re changing the world for the better, which also guides our culture. Our principles of social responsibility include taking care of employee well-being and resilience, openness, responsible leadership, lifelong learning and individual career paths, fair compensation, as well as fostering diversity and equality.

Our actions are guided by the following values and principles:

PARTNERSHIP PRINCIPLE. We don’t leave anyone behind, not our colleague or a client. Partnership includes deep trust and respect. We work together, and we are responsible together.

CONFLICT READINESS. We believe in direct speech, and a respectful way to give honest feedback. We dare to challenge ourselves, each other, and the client.

CURIOSITY AND OPENNESS. We do things that haven’t been done before and break boundaries. We live for change, learning new things, and changing the world together. We strive for absolute openness. All tasks and responsibilities, as well as all financial information, are open to everyone.

WE LIVE FOR CHANGE. We have both the drive to do and the ability to hatch ideas. We’re enthusiastic thinkers and doers who eagerly venture into the Exploration Zone. We immerse ourselves in the client’s world with interest and eagerness.

So, as long as the work gets done with top quality, everyone is free to choose how, where, and when to do it. This allows everyone to shape their life the way they want and to have fun. We don’t make rules just for the sake of certainty; we solve problems as they arise.

What would we offer you?

The opportunity to lead a visionary and creative, agile and professional team in a top company whose thinking leans towards the future and the opportunities it brings, and through which miracles can be worked for our clients. In short: speed and danger, challenges and new prospects, the development of the entire industry, and the improvement of the world through our clients.

Ellun Kanat is a group of the best thinkers in its field in Finland, who are at their top game in an atmosphere that allows for sufficient autonomy with good leadership. We’re collectively guided and stick our tongues out at pecking orders. We’re team players, making stars out of our clients and each other. And we’re hungry for growth and development. The best experts in their field deserve the best possible captain.

In addition to the usual CEO skills (participatory board work, goal setting, and reporting):

• You’re an excellent people leader. You have the ability to lead, inspire, and influence people. Success in this requires good interpersonal skills. A creative organization requires a lot from its leader. You have evidence of leading expert work and experts. You can set realistic but ambitious goals and inspire the team to exceed them and themselves. As Ellun Kanat CEO, you would lead based on our culture, preserving what’s excellent and unique about us.

•  You’re an inspiring and visionary strategic thinker who can engage in strategic planning, grasp future trends and impacts, are willing to innovate, and can communicate your ideas enthusiastically. You’ve got excellent communication and interpersonal skills, both internally and externally. You’re not afraid to put yourself out there, even in the public eye, and be a beacon for our industry.

• You love our clients and get a kick out of exceeding their expectations every time.

• You see opportunities where others see roadblocks, and you’ve got a track record of successful ventures. You’ve led growth initiatives, and selling comes naturally to you. You navigate through challenging times with confidence and experience. You’ve managed complex projects, and your deep understanding of change management translates into actionable plans. You’re a multitasker who can juggle many responsibilities effortlessly. You involve the team in decision-making and don’t seclude yourself in a corner office. Well, we don’t even have those. You bring comprehensive commercial experience, either in running a business or leading its operations.

•You have a strong ethical and moral compass.

• You’re eager to explore the unknown, always hungry to learn, understand change, and adapt to a shifting world.

Sounds like a lot, right? It is!

See, we’ve been lucky with our CEOs in the past.

For the last decade, our CEO, Taru Tujunen, has steered the ship successfully. Despite the challenges of the pandemic, the company has thrived under Taru’s leadership. Currently, we’re a solid team of 42 strategic thinkers generating around 5 million in revenue, ready to tackle the ever-changing world.

Taru Tujunen is joining Ellun Kanat board and remains one of our major shareholders. So, we’re not saying goodbye; Taru’s expertise will still be invaluable, just in a different role.

We’re casting a wide net for our next CEO because you might be in a place where headhunters won’t think to look. You might be someone’s friend, who’d be the perfect fit for us and might pass this opportunity along.

If this sounds exciting to you:

The application period starts on March 4th and ends on April 2nd. Our aim is to make the selection by spring. Send your applications (starting March 4th) and any questions to Kirsi (

We’re looking forward to meeting you!

Ellun Kanat takes home 4 wins from Transform Awards Europe

The Transform Awards Europe competition recognizes excellence in branding and brand strategy. Together with some great clients, Ellun Kanat brought home four trophies from the awards gala in London, showcasing a straight flush of precious metal colors.

Ellun Kanat’s success in the international brand competition continued this year. The brands displayed at the gala are the result of a long-term commitment to create even more impressive brands. Here are our brand teams’ impressions immediately after the awards ceremony.

Rakettitiede: no-bullshit attitude and courage awarded with two golds


Software development company Rakettitiede’s (english: Rocket Science) branding work flew to victory in two different categories: Best brand evolution (business) and Best visual identity from the professional services sector. 

According to Elina Turunen, Head of Marketing at Rakettitiede, just being nominated in an international and prestigious competition has felt fantastic. It also shows that the branding work with Ellun Kanat has been planned and executed well.

“It’s great to be recognized. Our goal has been to build a visible and distinctive brand and winning [these awards] proves we have succeeded. We don’t want to sugar-coat our everyday life with cotton candy. We want our brand to be honest to our customers,” Turunen says.

According to Turunen, cooperation with Ellun Kanat has been open and smooth. Both sides have also been able to learn throughout the process.

“I think Ellun Kanat and Rakettitiede are quite similar, as we both strive for straight talk and a can-do attitude. In that sense, we are a bit like sisters. Ellun Kanat has a professional team that knows how to listen to the customer, but also how to challenge.”

Julia Nyyssölä, Art Director at Ellun Kanat, was responsible for the rebranding and visual identity of Rakettitiede. She describes the design work as rewarding because the branding work has allowed her to do many extraordinary things.

“We have one hell-of-a brave client, who fearlessly jumps into something new. When you’re guided by courage and not fear, the end result doesn’t stay lukewarm and you can achieve very special things,” says Nyyssölä.

Digivisio 2030: New forms of learning win silver in the competition


Digivisio 2030, a joint transformation project of multiple higher education institutions, was awarded silver in the category of Best visual identity from the education sector. The visual identity of Digivisio 2030 (english: Digivision 2030) was designed and implemented by Veera Kortelainen, Art Director & Designer at Ellun Kanat.

“For a public sector project, Digivisio 2030’s identity is ambitious. It also renews the visual narrative of the education sector,” says Kortelainen and continues:

“It’s great that this kind of work is getting international recognition – for which a big thank you goes to the people behind Digivisio 2030 who dared to deviate from the norm and set its sights high.”

Jonna Piiroinen, Digivisio 2030 project manager, is also pleased with the brand.

“We think that the Digivisio 2030 brand, created in collaboration with Ellun Kanat, really successfully illustrates our vision for the future and the journey of change. The brand also works excellently on an everyday level and we have implemented several communication actions with positive feedback.”

City of Kerava: Frames for the city awarded bronze


The bronze medal was awarded to the City of Kerava’s branding work in the category of Best visual identity from the public sector. Thomas Sund, Director of Communications for Kerava, commented: 

“I am proud of our branding work, especially its emphasis on inclusion and diversity. I am particularly proud of the way the brand has been promoted through communication and events in the city, for example. The new brand and visual identity are an important part of the overall renewal of city-wide communication,” said Sund. 

The visual identity and brand strategy for Kerava have been designed by Sasu Haanpää, design director of Ellun Kanat. 

According to Haanpää, Kerava leaves no one cold. The city has had strong associations attached to it by the people who live outside the city, and the branding was designed to shake up these associations. The fearlessly renewed visual identity turns the spotlight on the people of Kerava and their urban culture of which they are very proud of. 

“The new look has evoked a lot of feelings for and against. The city has entered the debate with a great attitude,” says Haanpää.

We thank our customers for their courage and cooperation


Transform Awards Europe is an international competition that rewards those who have developed and transformed brands. The competition involves both large global players and smaller local agencies. Other winners this year included Pentagram, Landor & Fitch, and DesignStudio. 

Ellun Kanat thanks and congratulates Rakettitiede, Digivisio, and the City of Kerava for their great work!

Click here to find out more about the award-winning brands:


The collaboration between Rakettitiede and Ellun Kanat created a new brand and visual identity for Rakettitiede. The branding was designed to challenge the typical software development company visual narrative that mystifies coders. Rakettitiede´s new visual identity was chosen to highlight the company’s top experts and its way of serving its customers with a “no bullshit” attitude, as well as to present Rakettitiede and its developers bravely and honestly. The result was a brand that relies on nuanced messages, stripped-down aesthetics, and strong photojournalistic photography that captures the coders and their everyday work at Rakettitiede with no sugar coating. Excellence doesn’t need to be embellished.


Digivisio 2030

In collaboration with Ellun Kanat, Digivisio 2030 was created an experiential visual identity that playfully shows the future of learning. The dynamic and interactive elements of the identity create an engaging vision of the future that invites target audiences to participate.


City of Kerava

The City of Kerava and Ellun Kanat worked together to create a new visual concept built around the Kehys identifier. The Kehys element visualizes the idea of the city as a frame that the citizens fill with their activities – either figuratively or literally – while creating a new urban culture. In the future, Kerava will be known for its distinctive, diverse, and colorful urban culture.


Crisis communication exercise for the executive team

Else Maskonen

An economy multitasker who gets excited about change, development and learning new things. As a social person, colleagues and achieve things together are close to her heart. In her free time, her heart beats for travelling, getting to know different cultures, family and friends, and inspirational cooking.

Juha Töyrylä

A helping hand for the board, a strategist and a tactician for tricky situations. Juha has extensive knowledge of creating impactful communications and leading change in companies and organizations, as well as working in company boards in order to elevate their businesses. Excited about puzzling problems, wild ideas and constant development. Finds the best thing about work to be able to spar and help nice people. Outside of work, spends time reading, running and analyzing the news of the week in the Politbyroo podcast. Does not drink coffee, but is otherwise known as a rather nice guy.
